Proven & Effective Teaching Methodology

Our Proven & Effective Teaching Methodology

  • We aim to equip children with the skills needed for success in this highly competitive and technology driven
  • We foster learning environment that encourage critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, global awareness, and social responsibility in addition to  instilling in students the flexibility to readily adapt to changing technologies.
  • We integrate technology into our teaching, tapping into students’ interests and strengthening their technical skills, all while providing enriching learning opportunities.
  • Teacher-centered instruction has had its day. We employ student-centered approach. Cooperative learning sparks engagement in classrooms by encouraging interaction among the students themselves.
  • The students work just as hard as the teachers. No longer a one-woman show, the teacher’s role becomes that of a facilitator instead. This, in turn, leads to higher achievement, while promoting both team and class building.
  • We tailor learning experiences to differentiate among the individual needs of students in the classroom. There are three main learning styles: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (learning by doing).
  • We differentiate by matching assignments to readiness levels, offering appropriate intervention or extension activities as required.
  • Small-group work is one of the most effective ways to meet the needs of diverse learners in large class settings. That’s why we divide children into small groups of similar learning abilities.
  • Involving children in the goal-setting process is an excellent way to encourage them to take ownership of their learning. We set a few critical goals around literacy, numeracy and behaviour.
  • We employ Assessment for Learning, or Formative Assessment, which is a data-gathering process used by teachers to help them customize instruction to match students’ needs. Summative assessments (exam or test at the end of the term) don’t always give a clear picture of what a student knows. Also, by the time the data is gathered, it’s already too late! The teacher is already moving to the next objective, leaving many students behind who haven’t fully grasped the previous content yet. To prevent this problem, our teachers monitor how the children are learning as they teach, using observations, questioning strategies, class discussions, exit tickets and learning logs among other methods. Teachers can then gauge the progress of individuals, groups, or the whole class, and they can adjust the process by supporting or challenging students as needed. These ongoing assessments allow teachers to keep their fingers on the pulse of the classroom to ensure that students are learning.
  • Coupling Formative Assessment with Summative Assessment, we are able to identify fast learners who can then move on to Express Class where they will be given more challenging material. Our Express Class program is a Premium program which will command higher yet very reasonable fees.
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