Nursery 2 | Pre-Kindergarten Age 4

Pre-Kindergarten  Programs

Pre K 4 | Nursery 2 – An innovative & a truly comprehensive Program for 4 years old

We recognize that your four-year-olds:

  1. Are developing greater self-control and ingenuity. Their pretend play is more complex and imaginative and can be sustained for longer periods. They can also make plans and complete tasks.
  1. They want to try new experiences. They also want to be more self-reliant and seek to expand the areas of their lives where they can be independent decision-makers.


 Initiative, engagement and persistence:

  1. He/She will beimproving his/her decision-making skills. For example, he/she  might announce, ‘Today I’m going to play with my Lego’.
  1. They have increased ability to focus attention, andcan ignore more distractions and interruptions. For example, at preschool, he/she might focus on a drawing even when other children are playing loudly nearby. He/She might even say, ‘I’ll play later – I want to finish this’. This means he/she’ll be increasingly able to complete tasks, even those that are longer-term and less concrete (for example, keeping track of the days until his/her next birthday on a calendar).
  1. They have a growing ability to set goalsand follow a plan. For example, he/she might say, ‘I’m going to finish this colouring’. And then he’ll work until it’s done.
  1. They make more and more independent choices and show self-reliance. He/she might choose his/her own clothes and dress up him/herself.

Curiosity and eagerness to learn:

  1. Your child mightask to take part in new experiences he’s seen or has heard others talking about. For example, he might say, ‘Nurul watched Frozen.  When can we watch it?’ She’ll ask questions about future events, as well as about the here and now. For example, ‘When will we go to Alia’s house again?’
  2. She’ll start toshow more enthusiasm for learning letters, shapes and numbers. While looking at a book, she might point to a word that contains the letter ‘N’ and say, ‘N! That’s in my name! What’s that word?’

Reasoning and problem-solving:

  1. Your child is becoming more flexible and able todraw on varied resources to solve problems. For example, he might try to build a large structure with blocks, but the building might keep falling down. After several failed attempts, he might try making a larger base or look at how other children have made their buildings work.
  2. Your child will seek help from both adults and peers, and has a greater understanding of the kind of help that might be needed. For example, ‘Can you hold this for me while I join these blocks together?’
  3. She’ll develop herability to understand abstract concepts, especially when thinking is supported by physical interaction with materials. For example, she can systematically pour water into measuring cups, then look at and comment on the amounts.

Invention and imagination

  1. Your child will engage incomplex pretend play. For example, he’ll create long scenarios with other children, perhaps taking a pretend trip to many stops. He’lloffer creative, unusual ideas about how to do a task, how to make something, or how to get from one place to another. For example, ‘This place is too small, I’ve got a great idea! Let’s take the toys to that big room!’


  1. Their language skills expand rapidly. They begin communicating in complex and compound sentences, have very few pronunciation errors and expand their vocabularies daily. They can follow multi-step directions and understand explanations given for things they can see. Four-year-olds frequently initiate conversations. They are also getting better at sharing personal experiences without prompts from adults.
  1. They are building their knowledge of written language. They can recognize and they want to know the meaning of words in their environment. They understand that letters represent the sounds in spoken words and may associate some letters with their sounds. Most children also are capable of writing some legible letters and know that writing goes from left-to-right and top to bottom.
  1. Four-year-olds have an increased capacity for learning math concepts. They use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems and can effectively use language to compare and describe objects and shapes. They can count to “ten,” recognize written numerals “0” to “9” and add and subtract using numbers up to “four.” Four-year-olds know some variations of a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. They know days of the week, months and the seasons, but still cannot tell time.
  1. Four-year-olds engage in long periods of active play and exercise. They are skillful at walking, climbing, jumping, hopping, skipping, marching and galloping. They also are better able to throw, catch, kick and bounce balls. Improved finger dexterity allows them to hold writing tools with a more mature, tripod grip. Advances in hand-eye coordination help four-year-olds do puzzles, play with toys that have small parts and dress and undress without assistance.
  1. Four-year-olds approach the world with great curiosity and use their imaginations to help understand it. Hands-on explorations help them to separate reality from fantasy. They can participate in the planning and implementation of simple scientific investigations and over the course of the year, will increase their abilities to make observations, gather information, compare data, identify patterns, describe and discuss observations and form explanations and generalizations.
  1. Emotionally, four-year-olds continue to learn what causes certain feelings and realize that others may react to the same situation differently. They have learned to better manage intense emotions with coping strategies like talking it out or drawing a picture. Four-year-olds also show further progress in their social interactions with peers, such as by smoothly joining in a group play situation, being sympathetic to others, or suggesting ways to resolve conflicts.
  1. They can sing songs of their own creation as well as memorized ones. Their art begins to be more realistic and may incorporate letters. Four-year-olds love to dance and are able to move rhythmically and smoothly. Their dramatic play is highly imaginative and now has the structure of specific scenarios, like going to the grocery store or rescuing a cat stuck in a tree.

With the above knowledge in mind, we set an innovative, comprehensive & fun yet effective syllabus for your child.

Our Focus on Literacy: Letters & Sounds; Love of Reading

  1. They will learn to recognize and name all 26 uppercase letters and all lowercase
  2. They will learn to recognize their own first name and to be able to write it, along with other letters and meaningful words likeMomDad, and love.
  3. They will also develop a connection between letters and sounds and know the sounds that the 26 letters make.
  4. We encourage and develop the love of language, reading, and books in your child. We conduct Daily Computer Assisted Read-Along Session in a Group followed by individual Read-Along with the teacher. Then we get the child to read independently by him/herself.
  5. We teach your child to read and recognise 3 letter words from the 11 basic blend sounds in English and we teach them to read simple sentences and short paragraphs containing these words.
  6. We teach your child to read and recognise suku kata KV in BM and read words with KVKV and we also teach them to read simple sentences and short paragraphs containing these words.
  7. We encourage your children to write. Asking your child to sit quietly in a chair and trace letters over and over again is totally uninspiring.  However, we do have regular writing practice.  The worksheets activity is a fun way to teach your child to write.
  8. We teach your 4 year old to be able to write all the letters of the alphabet.We start by teaching your child to print/write his/her name properly. Then we continue with the rest of the big letters, then small letters

 Our Focus on Numeracy: Numbers & Counting

  1.  We help your 4 year old to recognize and identify the numbers 1 through 20 and correctly count 20
  2. Your child will learn what numerals 0 to 9 look & 11 to 20 like. They also learn to name them correctly.
  3. Counting is a separate skill that usually starts with memorization; your child will memorize the order of numbers and say them proudly as they “count” objects.
  4. As they advance, they will learn that the numbers and objects actually correspond.
  5. They also learn to write the number words from one to ten although they are not expected to be able to write them independently yet.
  6. Group Computer Assisted Learn-Along followed by Individual Enhancement Session with the teacher.


Our Focus on Socializing & Sharing

Developing important social skills is necessary for the development of your child.  Your child will learn how to

  1. share and cooperate.
  2. work together and take turns.
  3. participate in group activities and follow simple directions/instructions
  4. communicate wants and needs.Children have to be able to speak up for themselves. They need to know how to ask for help.
  5. Follows rules and routines
  6.  Manages transitions (going from one activity to the next)
  7. Interacts easily with one or more children
  8. Interacts easily with familiar adults
  9. Plays well with others
  10. Cleans up after play
  11. Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts
  12. Uses words to resolve conflicts


Other Skills:

  1.  Colors, Shapes, and Objects: Your child will learn to learn the names of many colours, basic shapes, and body parts. Identifies 4 shapes- circle, square, rectangle, triangle.
  2. Demonstrates concepts of positional/directional concepts (up/down, over/under, in/out, behind/in front of, beside/between, top/bottom, inside/outside, above/below, high/low, right/left, off/on, first/last, far/near, go/stop).
  3. Shows understanding of and uses comparative words (big/little, large/small, short/long, tall/short, slow/fast, few/many, empty/full, less/more.
  4. Cutting and Drawing: children should be able to cut with scissors. As they develop better hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, they will start drawing and colouring beyond just scribbles and will learn to use pencils, paintbrushes, and glue. They should be able to Grasps pencil correctly, use appropriate amount of glue for tasks.
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